Post by whisker on Oct 17, 2015 11:53:13 GMT
Where I live, on a suburban street, in Dublin, Ireland, the foxes come out every night, "doing" the road from top to bottom. People have observed them start at the top and move methodically from one house to the next, leaving none out. The strange thing is, they move back and forth in a diagonal pattern. I.E., they go into one house-front, sniff around, come out, cross the road and do the opposite house, then across the road and do the next house on the other side. In that way, they "do" the whole road, in a zig-zag fashion, without leaving out any houses. Well, as I have admitted, every time I have chicken, I leave the bones out at my gate in the dark of night - for the foxes. In the morning, the bones are gone. Last night I got up in the dead of night, feeling I'd like a cup of tea. It was about 5 a.m by my alarm clock. I looked out - and Lo and Behold! here was the fox taking the bones from outside my gate. I have the rest of the chicken to finish off today, so little Foxie will have another treat tonight.
Post by whisker on Feb 2, 2016 18:45:41 GMT
Whisker's Garden
Curly kale - back in October
"Bull's blood" salad leaves - back in October.
Now look at the state of my garden after eight storms. These are my Brussels sprouts and curly kale. Though damaged, I can still eat them - so all's not lost. They are tough cookies!
Can't wait for Spring to take off.